Art and Disability

The ONCE Foundation’s mission is to achieve the full social inclusion of people with disabilities. As such, the Foundation's Biennial of Contemporary Art celebrates the work of disabled artists and of those whose pieces are inspired by disability.

Curated by Gustavo Romano and held at Madrid’s CentroCentro Cibeles from 26 May – 11 September 2016, the Foundation's VI Biennial of Contemporary Art explores technology as a means of artistic expression. Through apps and a wide range of technological and scientific solutions, disabled individuals are on an equal footing as non-disabled people with regards to access to art, both as creators and as an art loving public.

Participating artists: Eugenio Ampudia / Angel Baltasar / Lisa Bufano / France Cadet / Maite Cajaraville and Gisle Froysland / Salvador Dali / Pete Eckert / Andres Fernandez / Dora García / Neil Harbisson / Peter William Holden / Eduardo Kac / Karol Golebiowski / Rafael Lozano-Hemmer / Amelia Marzec / Eva and Franco Mattes / Kyle McDonald / Victor Meliveo / Paloma Navares / Charles Sandison / Dolly Sen / Julio Sosa / Stelarc / Christine Sun Kim / Cuco Suárez / Vicente Talens / Juan Torre / Tempt1 (EyeWriter) / The Superflux Lab / Dan Miller / Peter Vogel 

The ONCE Foundation's VI Biennial of Contemporary Art from ArtworldNow on Vimeo.