29 September - 5 October 2014
Winter Landscape (Winterlandschaft) forms part of German artist Anselm Kiefer's major retrospective at the Royal Academy of Arts, London (27 September - 14 December 2014).
Germany's horrific Nazi past, the piece features a disembodied woman's
head rising above a snow-covered field. Blood from her neck stains both
the sky and the barren soil. As such, a spiritual and quasi-mythological
dimension is added to the bleakness of war.
Anselm Kiefer, Winter Landscape (Winterlandschaft), 1970.
Watercolour, gouache, and graphite pencil on paper, 42.9 x 35.6 cm. Lent by the
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Denise and Andrew Saul Fund, 1995 (1995.14.5).
Photo © 2014. Image copyright The Metropolitan Museum of Art/Art
Resource/Scala, Florence / © Anselm Kiefer